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Add or Edit Showreels

How you can add or edit a showreel entry.





By clicking on the “+” icon at the top of the show reel list you can add a new showreel. If you click on one of the showreel elements in the list, it will open to edit it. In both cases the following view looks and works the same.

The Status sets, if the element will show up in the app or is archived. These are the three different states:

  • Published: If a Entry is published it will show up in the app

  • Draft: The Entry will not show up in the app. This is great for preparing content and setting to “Published” whenever it’s needed

  • Archived: You can set a entry to archived to hide in within the app

Basic Information


The Title is the title of a showreel entry, showing up in the liste view, single view and (if set) in the home view of the application.


In the Description you add a text and to further elaborate the shown Showreel. In the Text you can add

  • formatting like bold and italic

  • hyperlinks like to link external content

  • and even images

Video URL

Here you have to add the Vimeo URL, which links to the video you would like to show for this showreel. Please make sure the privacy settings of this video allows to an embedding of the video and video is not set to ‘private’.


In the Info section you can add several information about the production of this Showreel entry. These information are not mandatory - if you don’t add them, the app will just hide this information.

Hero Media File

In this section you have to upload the hero media file for your Showreel entry.

Hero Type

In the Dropdown selector you can select if you would like to have either a still “image” as the hero media type or a moving thumbnail “video teaser”. In both cases you have to upload the corresponding file. If you choose “video teaser” you we really encourage you to upload a image as well, as a backup option, in the case the users internet speed is slow and the video can’t be loaded in time.

Image Gallery

In this section you can add an image gallery to the showreel entry. Either you can add BTS content or if it's a photo shoot you can add there the images.

You can either upload a new gallery for a post or add on exisitng, which you added there previously to another showreel entry.

Related Work

In this section you can (optionally) add up to five other Showreel entries, which will show up in the app in the “You may also like” section below the single view of the Showreel.

Filters and Search

This section is all about the make it even easier for a user to find the content in your app.


First you can add the Showreel Entry to a specific Showreel Category. This defines in which category the showreel entry will show up.

There are two special cases:

  • You can add the Showreel to as many Showreel Catgeories as you like. So you can make sure that e.g. a Photo Shoot will show up in the Category "Still / Photo" and in the Category "Commercial"

  • You assign add no category to the Showreel entry. By this the Showreel entry stays hidden in the applicatio and will only show up, when a user is specifically searching for it


Here you can assign the tags to the Showreel entry. By this the Showreel entry will show up, if you user selects a specific Tag in the app.


By adding keywords you can even add more words, which will be used when the user search in the application for a Showreel. These keywords will not show up in the user interface / design of the app.

But there are helping to make the app more accessable and easier to use.

Example Use Cases

  • If you have a "car" project you can add the word car in many different languages. So even if the user searches for "Auto" (Germany), "Samochód" (Polish), "Voiture" (Franch) or "Coche" (Spanish) the user will always find the related content

  • You can add secret collections. If you pitch for the new major ampaign for a big car brand you can a special keyword, e.g. "CarPitch2025", to your Showreel entries you would like to showcase in this pitch. Then you can give the agency / client this keyword and they will find special curated collection of exactly the showreel entries you would like to showcase.

Tip You can even add the translations to all the Tags. So you don't have to add all the translations individually and manually to all the showreel entries. If you have the tag "Car" you can add all the translations to it and they are automatically assigned to the showreel entries this tag is assigned it. More about this you will find in this Article Add and Edit Tags for Filtering

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Media Specification

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